There is an old saying, “We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience.” We believe that because we are both a physical body and a spiritual soul, God uses tangible, physical means and rituals to remind us of our true spiritual nature. The sacraments are one of those means.
We continue the catholic tradition of seven sacraments - Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Unction (Healing), Orders, Reconciliation, and Marriage. Of these we believe two are primary on the Christian path: Baptism and Eucharist.
The following is a brief description of these sacraments. For more information on all of these sacraments, please contact us at christmemorialkilauea@gmail .com.
We continue the catholic tradition of seven sacraments - Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Unction (Healing), Orders, Reconciliation, and Marriage. Of these we believe two are primary on the Christian path: Baptism and Eucharist.
The following is a brief description of these sacraments. For more information on all of these sacraments, please contact us at christmemorialkilauea@gmail .com.
We believe Baptism is a first step for those who desire to be on the Christian path. At baptism we celebrate the perfect, unconditional love that God has for all of us. We commit to following the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus. In our church, we invite children to be baptized if parents are willing to commit to raising their child in Christian life by attending worship, studying the scripture, praying and serving. |
The central act of our worship every Sunday is Holy Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion. We believe in this ritual Christ is made truly present. Scripture tells us that at the last supper Jesus had with his disciples he took bread, blessed it and gave it to them saying, “Take, eat, this is my body which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.” He also took the cup of wine, gave thanks and said, “This is my blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.” All those who desire to receive the Eucharist are welcome. |
Confirmation is a sacrament in which we prepare and study in order to make a mature commitment to follow Jesus and the Christian path. Often our association with Confirmation is that it is for young teenagers who were baptized as infants. But today the church believes that making a mature commitment can occur at any age! Weekend intensives are offered on a periodic basis and cover all material in our Catechism (teaching), some history of the church, and bible study in the Gospel of Luke. The culmination of our study in Confirmation classes is ritualized in a service celebrated by our Bishop. |
Marriage is a solemn public covenant between two persons in the presence of God. At least one of the couple must be a baptized Christian. Prior to the marriage, the couple sign a declaration of intention. It states that they hold marriage to be a lifelong union; that they believe this union in heart, body, and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy, for help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity, and for the procreation (when it is God's will) of children and their Christian nurture. There must be at least two witnesses for the ceremony. A priest or bishop normally presides at the marriage. For more information, download the documents below: |