Sunday Service: 8:30 am Holy Eucharist with Music In-person & Online (To connect on Zoom, click HERE.) Last Sunday of the month: Ohana Sunday, a joyful youth-led service for all ages Christmas Services
Christmas Eve: 5:00 p.m. & 11:30 p.m. Christmas Day: 9:00 a.m. All welcome |
Our worship is based on the Book of Common Prayer. The words and images contained in our worship are not so much an end-point of what our thoughts about the Sacred should be. Instead, they may be heard as a beginning, allowing us to ponder what we believe about our God. There are hymns and other music which touch us in ways words alone cannot.
The Service of Holy Eucharist flows like this:
The Service of Holy Eucharist flows like this:
- There are 4 readings from the Bible each service: one from the Old Testament, a Psalm, one from the epistles and one from the gospels.
- The readings are followed by the message, or sermon, usually based on the readings & how they relate to us today.
- We affirm our faith, using one of the Creeds from our church history.
- We acknowledge that we are not perfect and fall short of expressing God’s love both to our God & ourselves, to others, and to creation. We are reminded of God’s forgiveness towards us and granted this forgiveness.
- In the Prayers of the People, we pray for justice & peace on the planet, for the nation, the church, the health of our environment, for those suffering in body, mind, or spirit., and those who have died.
- Holy Eucharist is the high point of our service, done as instructed by Jesus to remember him, using the imagery he used. Since Jesus & most of his first followers were Jews, they interpreted their experience of the Sacred in Jesus and his sacrifice using Temple language and Temple images of sacrifice. In today’s language Jesus says “I am going to lay my very life on the line for your sake and the sake of the world. Participate in my sacrifice. Do this to remember me.” When we come together for communion, we are in communion with all the mystical Body of Christ throughout all the ages, everywhere in creation, acknowledging that we want to participate in Jesus’s life, death & resurrection, opening our minds and hearts to the love that God has for us.
- We leave with the intention to spread God’s love in our daily lives, a servant to those we meet.